10 Ways to Pamper Yourself on Valentine's Day

Whether you are in a relationship or not Valentine's Day is the perfect day to focus on self care! After all, if you don't take care of yourself you won't have anything to give to those you love. So this Valentine's Day I invite you to take some time to do something special just for you. Here are a few ideas to get you started!

1. Watch your favorite movie - When was the last time you sat and enjoyed your favorite flick? I know it's been a couple years for me and that's far too long!


2. Have a pamper sesh - Give yourself a mani-pedi, get a facial, or even a massage! Whatever you choose take some time just for you to regroup and recharge by letting someone cater to you for a change.


3. Make your favorite meal and mindfully enjoy it. Put on some dinner music, light some candles and make it special. Savor your meal and enjoy every wonderful bite.


4. Treat yourself to a new scent or a bouquet of flowers. This is one of my favorite ways to treat myself! I particularly enjoy a fresh bouquet of flowers on my kitchen table. It brings the outdoors in and lifts my mood like nothing else!

5. Snuggle with your pet. Turn off the phone and the TV and sit and snuggle, talk to and be present with your pet. Enjoy their sweet presence and devotion to you. Soak it in and be grateful for the time you have been blessed with your pet companion.


6. Have a lunch date with a friend. Allow yourself a daytime break and share it with your bestie! So often even taking a lunch break is indulgent, but go even further, leave the office and meet a friend to share your special time with.


7. Read a book for fun! Say What??? Yes! Read some fiction, a short story or poetry. Make it even better by combining your book time with a snuggly blanket and some hot tea.


8. Make your favorite cocktail or have a glass of wine. Light a fire, turn down the lights and end your day with a special adult beverage just for you.


9. Indulge in dessert! Pick a treat you love and enjoy it!


10. Take a nap or go to bed early. Is there anything more indulgent than sleep when you are an adult? Treat yourself with the gift of rest!

Are you inspired? I hope so! Let me know what you decide to do for yourself today!
